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  • #1235990


    The Masonry Gallery on one of my sites isn’t showing up, but the problem is only in Chrome. I checked on Firefox, and also Internet Explorer, and it shows up fine. On my iPhone it shows up too.

    I tried creating a new Masonry Gallery from scratch – didn’t show up. I then tried a normal gallery and that shows up, so I tried just adding images and that works too, so it just seems to be the Masonry Gallery.

    Has anyone got any advice?


    Hey Jewels007,

    Sorry for the problem, I’m seeing the same thing on my end too unfortunately. First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version ( to see if that helps please? If that doesn’t make any difference then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks so much for looking into this! Unfortunately, updating didn’t help.

    I have included login details for the staging site in private.




    Thanks for that. The login details are not working though, please check and verify.

    ERROR: Incorrect username or password.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve just tested those credentials and they do work on the main WP admin, but you might see an initial pop up first and I realize that I didn’t include the logins for that, my apologies. I have included them below.




    Thanks for that, those details worked. I’m not sure why it’s not showing up on first load though, it does appear when I open the inspector in Chrome, and when I reload the page. Do you have any lazy loading on the site? If so then please try to turn that off to see if it makes any difference. You could also try to disable all plugins to see if there is a conflict coming from any of them.

    Best regards,


    It was a plugin that was causing the issue, thank you so much for your help!



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Apologies for the slow reply!

    I confirm that this can be closed, thank you!



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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