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  • #1223165

    When using lazy load with WP Rocket or Even Smushit Lazy Load, the images overlap each other on initial load til the screen size is moved then it loads properly. This happens in Chrome, seems to work right in Safari

    I have taken lazy load off of


    Hey SAdesignsUnltd,

    Sorry for the problem. Could you post a link to where we can see this problem happening please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rickard, here is the link to the site.
    I turned back on lazy loading so you can see.


    Hi Rikard, I just figured out that the issue is actually with the setting Flexible Masonry. I just changed it to perfect grid and then images don’t overlap in chrome.


    This seems to fix the issue.

    .av-masonry-image-container img {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;


    Sorry for multiple messages, that didn’t work. must have been cached from when I turned it off.


    Hi SAdesignsUnltd,

    Masonry does not work with Lazy Loading yet, unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi , same on the boat .
    I have problems with loading masonry gallery with lazy load ( wp fastest cache)
    I change all masonry for perfect grid that helped for mobile.
    But mostly not loading masonry on desktop specially if it is on bottom of the page.

    Can you please implement lazy load in templet as it is really hard to disable lazy load when you have multiple pictures on website …

    With Regards


    Hi Lukas,

    Our devs are working in this direction but it has not been implemented yet, unfortunately.

    Best regards,

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