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  • #1116733

    Hi Enfold Team,

    We noticed the new “Animation on load” feature for the Masonry gallery and it’s amazing! Thank you.

    However, you may want to consider a site-wide feature. Because you have a lot of users who have been using the website for a long time with a lot of content published. To put this function at the individual page builder but not website-wide is frustrating.

    Unless you did do this and I missed it.



    Hey fulanoinc,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Unfortunately, you can’t toggle that option globally. All elements including the Masonry element have their own configuration and it can only be adjusted in the element’s settings panel.

    Best regards,


    I thought so. Something to consider since you all have so many Enfold users who have websites with plenty of content at this point.




    You can probably do a search and replace method. The elements are actually just shortcodes inside the post_content and _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanDat custom field, so maybe you can search for the shortcode parameter and then replace it accordingly. But don’t forget to create a backup just in case. You would be searching for this string.


    And try to replace it with:


    And maybe a regex so that the search is actually looking for a shortcode, but I didn’t find any plugin or script that can do that.


    Best regards,

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