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  • #1270939

    on my homepage thera are 2 issues since the 5.6 WP-Update:

    1. Ugly gark grey bar above the header section

    2. Buttons in color section don’t show up, astonishingly they do work!


    Hi willmannc,

    I tried to check on the Theme Editor for that code showing above however it’s disabled on your site.
    Can you give us FTP access? so we can inspect on it.

    Best regards,


    Any other idea? I dont have FTP on my server, only ssh and only for my machine via certificate. How can I enable the theme editor? (I mentioned as well that this editor doesnt show up. Perhaps a security issue?)



    Next issue: I can’t edit pages or posts anymore. No page editor shows up…
    edit: it’s the classic editor. activated block editor, works again.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by willmannc.

    Hi Christian,

    I’m guessing that it’s turned off by your hosting provider, here’s how it’s done via the wp-config.php file: https://wpshout.com/quick-guides/how-to-disable-file-editing-in-the-admin-area-of-wordpress/. If you remove or comment out that line of code, then the editor should be active after that.

    Also please try to deactivate your Header Footer Code Manager plugin, to see if the problem code is coming from there.

    Best regards,


    File Editor is running now. Its a Multisite and you can access the editor in the network administration section.
    HFCM deactivated, cache cleared etc, no difference. The issues grey bar and missing buttons are still there.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by willmannc.

    Hi willmannc,

    Can you try to install this plugin: File Manager ?
    Just post back once this is installed, so we can activate it then try to inspect the child theme codes.

    Best regards,


    Done. File Manager Plugin installed.


    Hi willmannc,

    Thanks :)
    This is now fixed, there’s a PHP comment which is outside the PHP tag that caused the issue.
    The original code is saved and named header.bup
    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Thanks! Great Support! 👍



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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