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  • #743288

    Hello there

    I would like to ask how to make the mobile view happen at 1390px as you can see in the page supplied…


    How to anchor the right of the image to the center of the page as we are getting overflow of text on the background image on smaller screens.


    Hey whdsolutions!

    Please refer to this post –



    Thank for that, but that is only fixing one part of my question.

    If you go to the page and view at 1360px, this is fine – if you view at (let’s say) 1300px, the image starts to go behind the text.

    What I need to happen is for the text to go full width like it does at 767px, when it is actually at 1359px

    Hope that’s clear enough… It’s quite hard to explain :-)



    It’s possible to decrease the size of the background image on smaller screens.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1359px) {
    #av_section_2.avia-section {
        background-size: 50%;

    Or replace the color section with the grid row element and create two cells. Add the background in the first cell and the text in the second cell.


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