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  • #807255

    Hi everyone,

    I am having difficulty with the Whitespace element in the layout builder. I have a color section and a footer I’m trying to separate with a 10 pixel amount of white space but no matter what I do it adds over 100 pixels of whitespace. See the link to “Screenshot 1” I’ve provided in the private content.

    Secondly, the About page I created has an issue on mobile where there’s a TON of white space below the logo and above the banner/content. See the “Screenshot 2” link below.

    Third, how do I edit the button element so that it doesn’t force ALL CAPS?

    Lastly, I’m having a ton of issues getting background images in my Color Sections to just show up 100% of size width and height. When I set them to not repeat they seem to be “zoomed in.” I can get them to stretch all the way across but the moment I set the custom height it zooms in the photo again. Incredibly frustrating….

    Login credentials also provided so you can take a look. Please feel free to look through the site as I need your help!


    Can anyone help? The mobile issue is a BIG problem for us.


    Hi kellyCraftMedia,

    What is the page on the first screenshot and on which page is the button you need help with?

    Best regards,


    I ran out of time and had to edit the Color Section settings to Stretch To Fit instead of Scale To Fit (which was ideally what I wanted/needed) in order to get it in working order to present to the client. Luckily they didn’t notice the photos are a little zoomed in from my original mockup.

    It doesn’t resolve the fact that the Scale to Fit option in the Color Section settings creates a huge amount of space in the mobile version as I showed you in my screenshots.

    Regarding the buttons, I need all buttons to display not in all caps – in other words, I would like all buttons to display as I’ve typed in the text (no text transformation).



    Can we also address the issues with the Whitespace drag & drop feature? I still haven’t figured out why it’s not working when I choose an exact pixel height.



    I am sorry, but I`ve tried to access your dashboard, but the credentials are wrong.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Sorry about that – should work now!


    Did you get in okay?



    I asked john to take a look to that one also
    Some patience and he will be back to you asap! :)

    Best regards,


    Hey all,

    It’s been a couple of weeks and wanted to check in! I have purchased a few licenses for Enfold and I LOVE it. I just want to make sure this isn’t an issue with some of the new releases.



    Hi kellyCraftMedia,

    What is the issue that you expect us to follow up? Not clear from the thread above, sorry.

    Best regards,


    Everything from the original post. I don’t really know how to explain it in detail anymore than I have already!
    1) Whitespace element isn’t performing like it should
    2) About page I already pretty much handled because it’s been a while and I needed to do something
    3) How to keep the buttons from forcing all caps
    4) Something crazy about the color sections but I had to move on and did something else, so you can scratch that off the list.



    Thank you for the update.

    1.) It’s the default padding of the content.

    .content {
        padding-top: 50px;
        padding-bottom: 50px;

    Adjust the values if you want to remove the padding or space.

    3.) Please add this code in the Quick CSS field.

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        text-transform: none !important;
        font-weight: normal;

    Best regards,

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