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  • #943617

    Hi Kriesi

    The main navigation on the site below is not working unless you click on each option twice. I can’t see why this doesn’t work well.

    Are you please able to advise.

    Many thanks


    Hey helban,

    I just tried to access your site using the login details you gave, however it doesn’t work, please check.

    Best regards,


    I have reset the password for you. Sorry for inconvenience. are you please able to try again.



    I’m not able to login with those details either, could you verify that they are working before you send them please?

    Best regards,


    I am very sorry this has happened twice. I have reset the password and testing it. It is now working. New password below.


    Hi helban,

    Thanks for giving us the admin access, I have tried to switch it to the parent theme and it does work fine, however when enabling the child theme back it does have that issue.
    I checked the files in your child theme and noticed that you have override avia.js in the child theme, that avia.js file might need to be updated also to work properly.
    Hope this information helps :)

    Best regards,



    It is helpful but I was trying to heal one issue (see ticket reference below) and it seems having followed your instructions to comment out one line and have made another issue. Is there a way of healing both problems please?

    Ticket started 4th April, last updated a week ago:
    comment #941380



    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for pointing the other thread and the issue as well.
    Can you give us ftp access? so we can try to access your files and make modifications as needed then post here whatever changes we made.
    Just post the ftp details in private content.

    Best regards,


    Yes please Nikko, here below.


    NB ftp server should be:


    Hi helban,

    I have tried the ftp access you gave using filezilla however it does not work, please check.

    Best regards,


    Perhaps it is best to use the IP ftp below. folder public_html

    Apologies for inconvenience.


    Hi Nikko

    Sorry to be a pain but we need to sort this as we are going live very soon. Any chance of taking a look very soon please.

    Many thanks



    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    You are right it does not look right and there is a trailing slash. I have now taken the avia.js file out of the child theme so it returns it to your default avia.js. The trailing slash disappears. It also heals the problem with the menu options not working when clicked only once
    We are now back with the issue of the preloader loading twice. Please see the original ticket for this above where we were told to take the action below:

    Ticket started 4th April, last updated a week ago:
    comment #941380

    This is possible but you have to modify the js > avia.js file. Remove or comment out the following code around line 404.
    preloader_active.addClass(‘av-preloader-active av-preloader-reactive’);
    Please don’t forget to remove the browser cache or do a hard refresh prior to checking the page.
    Best regards,

    Please see the original ticket where the original problem is outlined in full with the custom preloader not working.

    Advice would be appreciated.
    Many thanks


    Please respond to this ticket.

    Thank you


    Hi helban,

    Sorry for the late response, I have tried to check again and I don’t see the preloader loading twice, I just see the rotating logo during preload and disappears after the page has properly loaded. And I still see the trailing slash issue and the menu still requires to click twice before it redirects/loads.

    Using the parent theme does fix the issue for the menu.
    As for the trailing slash issue, it’s not related with Enfold, you can still see it even with switching to a default wordpress theme.

    Can you try to do the following:

    1. Disable all plugins except the maintenance plugin
    2. Re-install WordPress and Enfold
    3. Clear Browser Cache

    And try to check it again.

    Best regards,

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