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  • #196205

    Hello I am having problems with the main menu. When you hover over the main navigation heading and the drop down menu appears, the menu items have a transparent background and blue link to the page. I would like to change the background to my theme colors. Also when I try to ue the color picker for the menu it is not responding also. I am using WP version 3.7.1 and have update the theme to 2.4.2. I also have uninstalled and reinstalled the template using ftp and tried to re-import the dummy data, nothing seems to work. Please view this site to see whats going on with the navigation menu: I can also create a login for you to see whats going on in the background, when you are ready to take a look at the problem.

    Thanks again.


    Hi primarythoughts!

    Can you create a menu so we can take a look at the issue? Currently it just says “NO MENU ASSIGNED”



    I had to use a different template for this build in order to meet my deadline.

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