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  • #821689

    Please help, I have added two email buttons to my site and specified “mailto:” within the manual link but these do not work on iphone. I have placed a third email link in the footer and this works fine. A simple way to rectify this would be to view the page content in text view and ensure that the email buttons but Enfold will not allow html editing?

    Please help


    Hey stulan68,

    If you mean this email

    View post on

    It does not have the link and mailto in the html, so it does not work. How are you adding it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Many thanks for getting back. No I meant the email link in the submenu and the email link in the email button near the bottom of the screen. I have now fixed it by removing the “mailto:” and all works fine. However, could you tell me if Enfold will ever allow “Text” view of the page mark up? It would seem that you can use the Avia Page Builder OR the classic WordPress page content to create page content but you cannot view the code of what you have created using the Avia page builder?




    You can see the shortcodes if you enable debug mode, is that what you are looking for?

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, this looks exactly what I am looking for. Many thanks



    I’m glad Rikard’s information was able to help you. If you need anything else, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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