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  • #1183814

    Hello, In 2015 I opened a thread
    The moderator has closed the thread but he doesn´t give the solution. Also I do the same question here

    The moderator recomended this:

    The Blog Posts element has a list layout that looks like the magazine element and it supports the link post format. Have you tried it? Insert a Blog Posts element and select one of the 3 last List Style options in the Blog Style settings. If you need more info, please open a new thread/ticket. We’ll close this one for now.

    Well, It is not the same, when you use the 3 last List Style options you can’t see the image. Please, any solution?

    Thank you so much!


    Hey analidia,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look? The link post format is showing up in the magazine on my end.

    Best regards,


    I send you again.



    Hi analidia, The link post shows up in the magazine and shows the thumb. Can you please tell me in more detail what is not working here now?

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, the the link is to google, it’s doesn’t run.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by analidia.

    I send you a image


    Hello, In 2015 I opened a thread
    The moderator has closed the thread but he doesn´t give the solution. Also I do the same question here

    The moderator recomended this:

    The Blog Posts element has a list layout that looks like the magazine element and it supports the link post format. Have you tried it? Insert a Blog Posts element and select one of the 3 last List Style options in the Blog Style settings. If you need more info, please open a new thread/ticket. We’ll close this one for now.

    Well, It is not the same, when you use the 3 last List Style options you can’t see the image. Please, any solution?

    Thank you so much!


    I need a solution in “magazine” because the last list style is not the same.
    Thank you.


    You can provide the text to insert in functions.php and also the archive magazine.php to put in child theme.

    Thank you!


    Hi analidia,

    Well, the magazine goes to the internal link, not the external. To change that behavior you’ll need to edit this file and change the code:
    Image 2020-02-20 at 18.03.31.png

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria, as I told in 2015 and now this is a temporaly solution because when you update again it breaks. I don’t know why you don`t give solution for this problem. If I put a “magazine” an I insert a format link post I think that it’s run… but not.
    Any solution?
    Please, can you provide the text to insert in child theme for functions.php and also the archive magazine.php to put in child theme?

    Thank you!


    This is critical for us, too. We need this to work again with the Magazine format (need the filtering, tabs available).

    This is what we previously had in our CHILD functions file. What should we change it to so it works now?

    function avia_custom_link_content_filter($content)
    	//retrieve the link for the post
    	$link 		= "";
    	$pattern1 	= '$^\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]$i';
    	$pattern2 	= "!^\<a.+?<\/a>!";
    	$pattern3 	= "!\<a.+?<\/a>!";
    	//if the url is at the begnning of the content extract it
    	preg_match($pattern1, $content , $link);
    	return $link[0];


    Did you edit the magazine.php file as well? You have to apply that function directly in the template file. Please review the following thread.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismail, this is a loop! it’s always the same answer

    Can you give a solution so that functions always although we update.
    Please, can you provide the text to insert in child theme for functions.php and also the archive magazine.php to put in child theme?

    My English is bad and having to explain the same thing over and over again is hard.

    Any solution?


    Correct – we can not put this directly in the template file; it must be added to the child functions theme. Please provide the code that allows us to embed this into functions.php.



    Sorry for the confusion. We will forward this thread to our channel and discuss if we should include this feature in the theme. For now, you will have to manually edit the files as suggested in the previous threads.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Ok, we’ve been waiting for the solution for 5 years. I believe that if the template gives that function and that function does not work as it should, it would have to be fixed without discussing it.
    I imagine that now you will close the thread and we will remain the same and maybe in five years we will have to discuss it again.
    Or maybe you give the solution and it works as it should.



    Really? Why can’t we adjust the functions file, like we did with the previous code? The previous code (that I posted above) used to work. Worked perfectly. Now it sounds like a line of code changed. Can you please provide what that new code looks like, that we can easily drop into our child theme???

    Use the Blog Post widget does not work. Post publish date and sorting do not appear, which are critical for listing our links.



    After adding the avia_custom_link_content_filter snippet in the functions.php file, edit the enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\magazine\magazine.php and look for this code around line 1055:

    $link = get_post_meta( $entry->ID ,'_portfolio_custom_link', true ) != '' ? get_post_meta( $entry->ID ,'_portfolio_custom_link_url', true ) : get_permalink( $entry->ID );

    Below, add this code:

    $link = get_post_format($entry->ID) == 'link' ? avia_custom_link_content_filter($entry->post_content) : $link;

    Now, if you want to override the default magazine element in your child theme, please check the following documentation.


    Add the provided snippet from the documentation in the functions.php file, create a folder called “shortcodes” in the child theme directory, copy the magazine shortcode files from the parent theme, then put it inside the new folder.

    Best regards,

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