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  • #531916

    Is it possible to feed an excerpt into the magazine sections? I was able to increase the size of the spaces but can’t figure out how to make the images bigger to fill the desired space and how feed in the excerpt of the post. Or if you can suggest another approach that achieves the same thing.


    Hey KarenRushforth!

    Add this to around line 570 in the /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/magazine.php.

    $excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_magazine_excerpt_length' , 60) , apply_filters( 'avf_magazine_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", true, '');



    Thank you! I don’t know how to find that file, can you point me in the right direction?



    You will need to login to your server via FTP and edit it. Or login to your hosting providers control panel and look for a web based file manager which you can use to edit files on the server.



    I work with John Teague at Themesurgeons, and he checked the code for me and let me know the following:
    The code you’ve sent is the exact same code that already appears at line 566 of magazine.php. This was there before and after the latest theme update I just performed.
    Adding the same code they sent you is not the right solution here. If their solution is already present in that PHP file, and it is not solving the problem for you, it means that their solution is incorrect.
    I’ve attached a link to the page in question. I need to show excerpts from Posts in the Avia Content “Magazine” content element, not just the title, and I need the image to fill the space.
    Thank you for your help,



    Yes, it’s already on line 566 but it’s in an if statement so it only gets applied on the first big image. If you copy it and add it again on line 570 then it will be applied for each entry. Did you try it?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Elliott.

    That did not do anything, there is still not excerpt showing. We followed the instructions exactly.



    Well it’s working fine on my XAMPP setup. Not sure what else to tell you here. Make sure your using the latest version of Enfold, 3.4.4.


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