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  • #911158


    I made a big mistake. My website’s Instagram plugin wasn’t updating the feed anymore so i went in the admin board to edit plugins and make sure everything was in order. I forgot the plugin was actived and i tried to change “username” by my name and saved the changes. Since then, my website is a white page and I can’t even access my wordpress admin board anymore.. I realized it quite quickly and asked to go back in changes but nothing happened..

    I haven’t make a back up :S I hope someone can help me to figure this out?
    Would be really much appreciated!!

    I know i havent upgraded yet the new WordPress version but I am not certain on which page I am… Best alexandra


    Hey AlexCoppi,

    Just a reminder; this is Enfold theme support, not a general WordPress forum.

    For your problem; navigate to the plugin folder via FTP and rename the whole plugin folder or just the problem plugin to see if that helps.

    Best regards,

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