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  • #256416

    WP 3.9
    Enfold 2.6.4
    W3 Total Cache 0.9.4
    Safari 7.0.3
    OSX 10.9.2

    It appears that adding any CSS files to the CSS file management area of W3 Total Cache will cause the site to fall apart. It will completely lose CSS structure and layout. The strange thing is that in Firefox it will be fine. Over on the PC in IE, Chrome and FF it will look fine. On Safari on an IPAD Air the site is fine.

    It’s just that Safari, (as usual on a MAC) screws things up.

    I can set the CSS Minify settings to enable, Preserved comment removal (not applied when combine only is active), and Line break removal (not applied when combine only is active). @import handling is set to bubble. Doesn’t matter what I have enabled…as soon as I add any CSS files to the CSS File Management the site falls apart. It doesn’t generate a browser error…it just loses integrity and becomes a jumbled mess. But only in Safari on a MAC on OSX 10.9.2. I can’t test other mac.

    Once I removed every CSS entry it worked.

    One browser….one stinking browser. Sure…5 others work just fine but it has to be that darn Safari.

    I can’t show you what it looks like as I’ve set the site without the CSS files in the minify area so it will look ok. Perhaps it’s something to look at in the future release.



    Can you post the link to your website please? i’d like to test it on my end (Safari 7, 10.9).



    It appears that it may have been a compiling issue with W3 Total Cache.

    I first added the CSS files all at once to the CSS Minify section and when W3 Total Cache minified there was probably corruption issues. When I was troubleshooting removing the CSS files, one at a time emptying and rebuilding the cache each time, the problem remained because the possible corruption was being recompiled.

    When I disabled CSS minify entirely, emptied and rebuilt the cache, re-enabled, then added the CSS files one at a time, emptying and rebuilding the cache between each addition the problem did not appear.

    I can’t seem to make the issue repeat itself. It was probably just one of those things on one of those days. Odd that only Safari on a MAC showed it yet all other browsers in PC and MAC were fine.

    So the advice to me is “don’t do things so quickly”. I’ll keep an eye on it but it seems resolved at this time.

    Thank you for following up so quickly.


    You are welcome, glad we could help :)


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