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  • #919359

    I’ve been trying to figure out why my page looks as though there are 1px white borders between some of my photos in all 3 of my grids (they each contain 4 cells).

    I have checked and make sure they all have 0px padding, no borders, are all 1000×1000 px, yet these super thin lines are still appearing (although I find this is only an issue on larger screens—on mobile they are tight against each other).

    I’ve attached a link to a screenshot for reference. If I could get some help with this issue I would greatly appreciate it!


    Hey heysnads,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.2.4) to see if that helps please? http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/

    Best regards,


    @Rikard I’m having the same problem. I’ve updated to version and it didn’t help. I have noticed that it only does it when I have both cells set as a link. Please see the link below.


    Can someone please respond to my problem with trying to remove the thin border between grid cells? Thanks!


    Hi JPOsteen,

    This is what I see on my end: https://imgur.com/a/IAupCBz, could you try to explain the problem a bit further or let us know how to reproduce it please?

    Best regards,


    @rikard thanks. It looks as though the problem is when using Google Chrome. Depending on the size of the browser window, it will create this white gap between the grid cells.



    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS

    .av-screen-reader-only { display: none; }

    Best regards,

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