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  • #215610

    Hey Klexander!

    Which type of header are you using? You can post the link to your website or you can check it in Enfold theme options > Header tab. Also, which size of logo would you like to use?



    Hey Yigit,

    The type of header is “Fixed Header with Social Icons and additional navigation” :).

    I dont know which size of logo I would like to use, but lets say its a 600px width and 156px hight (550×156) – so no change to the hight :)

    With this width, I should be able to adjust smaller if needed :)

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    I have just tried on my installation and it resizes 550x156px logo to 374x116px. You can refer to this topic to change the initial header size to make it 156px in height
    Simply insert 156 instead of 200



    No, I dont think this solves my problem.

    In the topic you link to, the guy wants the logo to be bigger/smaller when scrolled.

    To me it is perfect when scrolled. But I want the non-scrolled version to be wider :) (hight is not very important either).



    You can add this on Quick CSS or custom.css to adjust the height of the header. It will automatically adjust the max width of the logo too:

    .social_header #header_main .container, .social_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
    height: 229px;
    line-height: 229px;

    I don’t think it looks good. The current size of your logo now looks better.

    Best regards,


    Ok, thank you, I will try that.

    If I dont like it – is it easy to undo?

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    We can’t see the website. Is it using an Enfold theme? Please post a screenshot. It says:

    Your access to this site has been limited


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    To increase the logo height and keep the resizing feature, you should refer to what i posted here
    if you think scrolled size of header is too small, you can adjust it as explained here


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