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  • #573127

    hi, on this site I am usign this CSSS

    strong.logo img{
    padding: 20px 0px;

    To bring my logo down from the top of the screen. However there is a big gap between the logo and the menu bar beneath it. How do I close this gap? thankyou!


    Hi natashacs!

    Please go to Enfold theme options > Header and decrease header height



    Hi Yigit, you are very fast answering today!
    Ok that hasn’t quite worked
    I have reduced the logo size to 100px if i go any smaller it makes the logo too small
    MY logo image is 778 x 97 in full size and 300 x 37 in the logo as I selected insert as media size.


    I have no selected ‘slim’ header and you can see there is still more space beneath the logo than there should be


    I have no selected ‘slim’ header and you can see there is still more space beneath the logo than there should be

    Also, is there any CSS that can stop my logo from shrinking quite so small . it is shrinking to the size of an ant!



    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately?



    hi, sure just giving you normal one – see private content



    I added your logo in full size, removed your custom CSS code and added following in Quick CSS

    .logo {
        top: 15px;

    Please review your website now



    that is pretty cool actually! thankyou you are a genius!!!



    You are welcome, glad we could help! :)
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Best regards,

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