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  • #208730

    Loving this theme and its flexibility, thanks!!
    Just wondering if you could help me – if you have a look at my site here:
    …you will notice the logo in the header is not centred within the space. I added some custom css at some point to extend the size of this space, and I like the amount of space, just not the placement of the logo. Could you let me know what the css would be to adjust the top padding?


    Hi carendavis!

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    .logo img {
    padding-top: 20px;

    You can wrap it in the media queries for desktop only and mobile only so that you can have 2 different paddings for each display which are in the custom.css file already.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin,
    Works a treat – thanks so much! Your guys’ support is second to none!!


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