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  • #245288

    How do you guys manage the login/logout link also? The end goal is to have a login link on the second nav bar but once users login it says logout. Do you guys do that with conditional menu’s or something better?

    Like I said Theme My Login does this but I am trying to trim overhead in plugins.



    The link is WooCommerce’s built in login form styled by the theme

    The one on the right here on the forums is a customized non-available version of this plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/sidebar-login/

    Best regards,


    So could I use the WooCommerce Styled Login as my main login form? How would I handle the login link? How is registration handled by WooCommerce and Enfold?


    I don’t know of a way to do that but it might be possible. If you don’t ever point users to wp-login then instead point them to the other login page it should work fine.

    This is more of a WooCommerce/WordPress general question so if you need more detailed steps it would need to be asked on one of those forums for the specifics.

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