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  • #1348952
    Natacha Piano

    I bought the support pack for Enfold yesterdayy and I cannot log iin. The search is very difficult.
    For example, I need to know how I can create a website in 5 languages using Enfold without paying anything else and there is no way to find anything: just billions and billions of answers with “language” that are not precise. And I cannot post anything in the forum nor log in hoping that a windows opens in this way, cos my Enfold credentials are not recognized, I asked twice to send me a reset password and don’t receive anything. Please help !!
    Thank you


    Hi Natacha,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Enfold is fully compatible with WPML but it is not a free plugin.
    You could use Polylang which is free and works with Enfold though it does not have all the features WPML offers.

    You can register to our support forum – using your purchase code and start new threads under Enfold sub forum :)


    Natacha Piano

    Hi Yigit,
    Thank you for the answer. I could read your message cos I followed the link in the mail but the connection issue remains.

    As for th multilanguage: I don’t want to spend more money in buying languages extension that I won’t need since I translated everything by myself in 5 languages. I want to use WP to create the language switch with the system of the internal folders (not multisite: everything through one WP site) and actually I did find a WP tutorial on the subject and followed it step by step. Adress of the tutorial:

    The tutorial leads to build the switch and its menu under the header. So to put it up, I had to remove the beautiful Enfold header that i had done. But then my nice logo disappears, and the design of the header is not so beautiful as with Enfold. If I put the header with Enfold I get two menus. I cannot build it through Wp, cos it looks like it is now an ENfold feature exclusively. Here’s my site:

    I don’t mind destroying the work I did as long as I can redo the same in Enfold. Is it possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Natacha Piano

    Sorry something went wrong with my message here it is again:

    Hi Yigit,
    Thank you for the answer. I could read your message cos I followed the link in the mail but the connection issue remains.

    As for th multilanguage: I don’t want to spend more money in buying languages extension that I won’t need since I translated everything by myself in 5 languages. I want to use WP to create the language switch with the system of the internal folders (not multisite: everything through one WP site) and actually I did find a WP tutorial on the subject and followed it step by step. Adress of the tutorial:

    The tutorial leads to build the switch and its menu under the header. So to put it up, I had to remove the beautiful Enfold header that i had done. But then my nice logo disappears, and the design of the header is not so beautiful as with Enfold. If I put the header with Enfold I get two menus. I cannot build it through Wp, cos it looks like it is now an ENfold feature exclusively. Here’s my site:

    I don’t mind destroying the work I did as long as I can redo the same in Enfold. Is it possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Natacha Piano

    Still having problems sending mails, I try a third time
    Hi Yigit,
    Thank you for the answer. I could read your message cos I followed the link in the mail but the connection issue remains.

    As for th multilanguage: I don’t want to spend more money in buying languages extension that I won’t need since I translated everything by myself in 5 languages. I want to use WP to create the language switch with the system of the internal folders (not multisite: everything through one WP site) and actually I did find a WP tutorial on the subject and followed it step by step. Adress of the tutorial:

    The tutorial leads to build the switch and its menu under the header. So to put it up, I had to remove the beautiful Enfold header that i had done. But then my nice logo disappears, and the design of the header is not so beautiful as with Enfold. If I put the header with Enfold I get two menus. I cannot build it through Wp, cos it looks like it is now an ENfold feature exclusively. Here’s my site:

    I don’t mind destroying the work I did as long as I can redo the same in Enfold. Is it possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Natacha Piano

    ok, I don’t know what’s wrong, the mail sistematically cancels the second part of my message.
    Adress of the tutorial:

    The tutorial leads to build the switch and its menu under the header. So to put it up, I had to remove the beautiful Enfold header that i had done. But then my nice logo disappears, and the design of the header is not so beautiful as with Enfold. If I put the header with Enfold I get two menus. I cannot build it through Wp, cos it looks like it is now an ENfold feature exclusively. Here’s my site:

    I don’t mind destroying the work I did as long as I can redo the same in Enfold. Is it possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Natacha Piano

    So sorry, I don’t know what am I doing wrong. Here my message once again, I removed the links and ut it in the box below, hope this time it doesn’t get cut.

    Hi Yigit,
    Thank you for the answer. I could read your message cos I followed the link in the mail but the connection issue remains.

    As for th multilanguage: I don’t want to spend more money in buying languages extension that I won’t need since I translated everything by myself in 5 languages. I want to use WP to create the language switch with the system of the internal folders (not multisite: everything through one WP site) and actually I did find a WP tutorial on the subject and followed it step by step. Adress of the tutorial:

    The tutorial leads to build the switch and its menu under the header. So to put it up, I had to remove the beautiful Enfold header that i had done. But then my nice logo disappears, and the design of the header is not so beautiful as with Enfold. If I put the header with Enfold I get two menus. I cannot build it through Wp, cos it looks like it is now an ENfold feature exclusively. Here’s my site:

    I don’t mind destroying the work I did as long as I can redo the same in Enfold. Is it possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your help.


    Can I please get an answer ?
    I am completely stuck . Please.



    I see that you have already started a thread which I just replied –

    If you need further assistance, please reply to that thread :)

    Best regards,

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