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  • #940881

    In which file/files all theme css and scripts are included? I don’t find it into header.php please help me on this.


    Hey rkundu065,

    You can find most of the CSS and JS in


    If you need further help please feel free to let us know what exactly you are trying to find so we can help you better :)

    Best regards,



    That’s not what I was asking.

    For example: Let’s say I’ve a css file /enfold/css/layout.css

    So generally I call/include css(such as layout.css), js file into header.php but here can’t really find from where these css, js files has been called/included.

    Can you please help me with this asap please?




    Thanks for the clarification. They are added in functions.php starting on line 350.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Yes, and you will not be able to fix those.
    The errors are basically because of the buioder usages and the multiporpuse functionality.
    There are not a lot we can do to get those short out – but you should also not worry.

    Best regards,


    Trust me this is the worst ever reply received from a theme support.



    We are very sorry for the confusion. Most of the reports are related to the “type” attribute of the script tag which is seen as unnecessary by the validator but do note that these warnings are also not harmful or critical. If you want to satisfy the validator, use this filter to remove the “type” attribute.

    add_filter('script_loader_tag', 'avf_clean_script_tag');
      function avf_clean_script_tag($input) {
      $input = str_replace("type='text/javascript' ", '', $input);
      return str_replace("'", '"', $input);

    Best regards,

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