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  • #356748

    Hi !
    I’d like to insert the “load more” code in a text block. I’ve tried to add this with the toolbar but it has no change. The “More” is visible in the avia text block but it doesn’t appear in the online page. How can I reduce my text with the “load more” code please ?
    Unfortunately, I work on localhost so I can’t give you a link of my website.

    Here is the code of my text block :

    Mensarum enim voragines et varias voluptatum inlecebras, ne longius progrediar, praetermitto illuc transiturus quod quidam per ampla spatia urbis subversasque silices sine periculi metu properantes equos velut publicos signatis quod dicitur calceis agitant, familiarium agmina tamquam praedatorios globos post terga trahentes ne Sannione quidem, ut ait comicus, domi relicto. quos imitatae matronae complures opertis capitibus et basternis per latera civitatis cuncta discurrunt.
    Iam virtutem ex consuetudine vitae sermonisque nostri interpretemur nec eam, ut quidam docti, verborum magnificentia metiamur virosque bonos eos, qui habentur, numeremus, Paulos, Catones, Galos, Scipiones, Philos; his communis vita contenta est; eos autem omittamus, qui omnino nusquam reperiuntur.
    Cuius acerbitati uxor grave accesserat incentivum, germanitate Augusti turgida supra modum, quam Hannibaliano regi fratris filio antehac Constantinus iunxerat pater, Megaera quaedam mortalis, inflammatrix saevientis adsidua, humani cruoris avida nihil mitius quam maritus; qui paulatim eruditiores facti processu temporis ad nocendum per clandestinos versutosque rumigerulos conpertis leviter addere quaedam male suetos falsa et placentia sibi discentes, adfectati regni vel artium nefandarum calumnias insontibus adfligebant.

    Thank you,


    I’d like to have a part of my text hidden and have a “load more” link which shows the rest of my text.
    Thanks for your help,



    It sounds like your wanting to use a toggle. See here, http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/shortcodes/toggles-accordions/.

    You can drag a toggle in the advanced layout editor to below your textblock.



    Thanks for your answer Elliott but no I would like to use code “load more” in my textblock. Like this :

    1. There is an option called “lire la suite” in french which means “load more” in english in my textblock editor :
    2. When I add click on it, it add the code : <!–more–> and do this in my text :
    3. But, online, my text isn’t changed :

    I want to have the words “Lire la suite…” and when I click on it, it expands the text below. Like this
    1. My text with the code “Lire la suite” :
    2. When I click on “Lire la suite…”, the text below appears :

    How can I do this please ?

    Cheers !



    Actually that feature is for the excerpts and it does not actually function the way your wanting it do. See here for more info, http://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Read_More.

    What your wanting is called a “toggle” and you can see how they work in the link in my first post. If you’d like we can give you CSS to style them so it looks like just a link and no box.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.

    Thank you Elliott.
    Yes, it would be great if you give me CSS to look like I want !



    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .toggler, .toggle_content {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
        border: 0 none !important;
        padding-left: 0px !important;
    .toggle_icon { display: none; }
    .toggler { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline; }

    Best regards,


    Ok thank you Elliott. How can I use toggles in text block please ? Is there a shortcode to use it ?



    There really wouldn’t be a point to do that. If your trying to use a toggle in between some text then just add a textblock, then your toggle beneath it, and then another textblock beneath that.

    Or if that’s not correct then take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do and we may be able to offer some suggestions.



    I’d like to use it in a testimonial block, that’s why I’d like to have a solution in shortcode to apply this directly in the text.

    For example :
    I’d like my testimonial showing this when a customer visits my page (I have highlighted the like to “load more”) : http://www.sphere-evenements.com/lls-1.jpg
    Then when customer clicks on “lire la suite…” (highlighted on first screenshot), the testimonial block expends like this (to show more text) : http://www.sphere-evenements.com/lls-2.jpg




    They were not meant to be used like that but you can try enabling the debug view, http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/, and then copy and paste the shortcodes so they are nested inside each other.

    Best regards,


    It doesn’t work really like I want, but it works, Thank you. I’ve found a another simpler solution (maybe it would be interesting to develop this function in the futur update of enfold theme) :

    First step :
    Add in quick CSS or custom CSS :
    #loadmore {display:none;}

    Second step :
    In text block, at the position you want to place “the load more text”, add :
    <p>Load more…</p>
    <p id=”loadmore”>YOUR TEXTE</p>

    Cheers !


    It doesn’t work really like I want, but it works, Thank you. I’ve found a another simpler solution (maybe it would be interesting to develop this function in the futur update of enfold theme) :

    First step :
    Add in quick CSS or custom CSS :
    #loadmore {display:none;}

    Second step :
    In text block, at the position you want to place “the load more text”, add :
    <p>Load more…</p>
    <p id=”loadmore”>YOUR TEXT</p>

    Cheers !


    Sorry, the second step was hidden :
    Second step :
    In text block, at the position you want to place “the load more text”, add :

    <p><a href="#nogo" onclick="document.getElementById('loadmore').style.display = 'block'; this.style.display = 'none';">Load more...</a></p>
    <p id="loadmore">YOUR TEXT</p>
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