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  • #283607

    Hi guys i am trying to ad anchor links to a page, the thing is that i am using one color section with a background image containing all the content, so i cant use different color sections to use the anchor link described here
    So how can i link to specific text block, or element other than color section?


    Hi smorrone!

    Please turn on custom CSS field for ALB elements –
    then add a custom class to your textbox, say “anchor-text”. Then add following code to functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    function add_custom_script(){
    jQuery('.anchor-text').attr('id', 'anchor-text');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_script');

    then you should be able to target the textbox using #anchor-text ID



    Yigit i followed the instructions and is not working. Also i have to target four different anchors, how i identify each one of them?
    Can you check it please?



    Sorry i made a mistake in functions.php file of your child theme. Can you please connect via FTP and undo the changes i made? I have added the code i posted here –

    Best regards,


    Hey the site went off line!
    Yes i can do that via ftp,
    i replace the code with this one?

    function add_custom_script(){
    jQuery(‘.anchor-text’).attr(‘id’, ‘anchor-text’);
    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘add_custom_script’);


    ok, done this put the site on line again… so far so good
    i have to target four different anchors, how i identify each one of them?



    I am so sorry about that! Please add folllowing code and customise the class names for each section as following

    function add_custom_script(){
    if ( jQuery("div").hasClass(".custom-class-one") ) {
      jQuery(".custom-class-one").attr('id','custom-class-one') };
    if ( jQuery("div").hasClass(".custom-class-two") ) {
      jQuery(".custom-class-two").attr('id','custom-class-two') };
    if ( jQuery("div").hasClass(".custom-class-three") ) {
      jQuery(".custom-class-three").attr('id','custom-class-three') };
    if ( jQuery("div").hasClass(".custom-class-four") ) {
      jQuery(".custom-class-four").attr('id','custom-class-four') };
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_script');

    and please try not to use numbers as ID’s.



    Thanks Yigit!

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