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  • #536443

    Seems like my previous thread will not be answered anymore, so i’ll repost it.


    First of al I would like to say I really love the theme and it’s a pleasure to work with.
    However I am having some difficulties with links to a tab.

    I’ll try to explain a little bit better.
    I have a page called “about us” and this page displays 3 tabs using the “tabs content element”
    “Profile” “Recommendation” and “Competences”.

    If I navigate towards “about us” the first tab wil display just fine. However I want to add an option in the menubar to directly navigate to the second and third tab.

    I added those in the menu with a custom link for “Profile” for “Recommendation”
    and for “Competences”.

    The first one works just fine. The second and third don’t.
    When i click the link i get navigated to the right tab but the page scrolls down a bit automatically.
    So the top half of the page is not visible and you have to scroll up to start at the top of the page.

    It happens when I deactivate all plugins as well.

    I hope I have explained this in a way you can understand the problem.
    If not you can have my login info to see for yourself.

    With kind regards,


    Hey Bespokedesign!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please try this in the functions.php file:

    // ava_custom_scroll
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_scroll');
    function ava_custom_scroll(){
        $('#top .av-main-nav .sub-menu a[href*="tab-id"]').on('click', function() {
    		var tab = $('#top .tabcontainer').offset();
    			scrollTop: / 2
    		}, 2000);

    Go the about page then click the menu items.

    Best regards,


    Sorry it’s still not working how it’s supposed to.



    Alright. Please remove the modification then modify the js >shortcodes.js file. Look for this code around line 2672:

    scoll_target = el_offset - 50 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10);

    .. replace it with:

    scoll_target = el_offset - 150 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10);

    Best regards,


    sorry, this also didn’t fix the issue.





    can you please add the second code and we can see the page live?

    Best regards,

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