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  • #842170

    I created a menu that I’m using on a side bar for a section of my website. I would like the parent page to be a link (different text treatment than the child pages however). So far I have the following custom function…

    function avia_sidebar_menu($echo = true)
    	$sidebar_menu = "";
    	$subNav = avia_get_option('page_nesting_nav');
    	$the_id = @get_the_ID();
    	$args 	= array();
    	global $post;
    	if($subNav && $subNav != 'disabled' && !empty($the_id) && is_page())
    		$subNav = false;
    		$parent = $post->ID;
    		$sidebar_menu = "";
    		if (!empty($post->post_parent))
    			if(isset($post->ancestors)) $ancestors  = $post->ancestors;
    			if(!isset($ancestors)) $ancestors  = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
    			$root		= count($ancestors)-1;
    			$parent 	= $ancestors[$root];
    		$args = array('title_li'=>'', 'child_of'=>$parent, 'echo'=>0, 'sort_column'=>'menu_order, post_title');
    		//enables user to change query args
    		$args = apply_filters('avia_sidebar_menu_args', $args, $post);
    		//hide or show child pages in menu - if the class is set to 'widget_nav_hide_child' the child pages will be hidden
    		$display_child_pages = apply_filters('avia_sidebar_menu_display_child', 'widget_nav_hide_child', $args, $post);
    		$children = wp_list_pages($args);
    		if ($children)
    			$default_sidebar = false;
    			$sidebar_menu .= get_the_title($parent);
    			$sidebar_menu .= "<nav class='widget widget_nav_menu $display_child_pages'><ul class='nested_nav'>";
    			$sidebar_menu .= $children;
    			$sidebar_menu .= "</ul></nav>";
    	$sidebar_menu = apply_filters('avf_sidebar_menu_filter', $sidebar_menu, $args, $post);
    	if($echo == true) { echo $sidebar_menu; } else { return $sidebar_menu; }

    … and would like to know how I can make the menu title also a link while retaining the existing style? I’ve attached some additional info, thank you.


    Hey lzevon,

    Try to replace this part of your code:

    $sidebar_menu .= get_the_title($parent);

    to this one:

    $sidebar_menu .= '<h2 class="custom-sidebar-title"><a href="' . get_permalink($parent) . '">' . get_the_title($parent) . '</a></h2>';

    then add this css code on your Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top .sidebar h2.custom-sidebar-title a {
        font-size: 18px;
        color: #3c7c21 !important;

    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Nikko, thank you!



    Glad we could help. Let us know if you need more assistance :)

    Best regards,

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