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  • #1257934

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich habe ein gravierendes Problem:
    Alle Verlinkungen auf der gesamten Webseite, welche mit der Masonry Galerie erstellt wurden, funktionieren nicht mehr. Bedeutet, dass sich einfach nur das jeweilige Bild und nicht die notwendige Seite öffnet. Alle Links sind nach wie vor korrekt eingetragen.

    WordPress 5.5.3
    PHP: 7.4.10
    Alle Plugins aktuell, keinerlei Fehlermeldungen

    Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen.
    Da Meine Startseite quasi aus einer Masonry-Galerie besteht und auch viele Unterseiten damit erstellt wurden, ist meine Seite aktuell unbrauchbar.
    Vielen Dank.


    ello everyone,

    I have a serious problem:
    All links on the whole website, which were created with Masonry Gallery, do not work anymore. This means that only the respective image opens and not the necessary page.

    All links are still entered correctly.

    Up to date:
    WordPress 5.5.3
    PHP: 7.4.10
    All plugins up to date, no error messages

    I hope you can help me.
    Since my homepage consists of a Masonry gallery and many subpages were created with it, my page is currently unusable.

    Thanks a lot.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Bernd.

    Hello, did you check the permalinks settings?



    yes, all permalinks are registered correctly and have not changed since the beginning. In the gallery directly they are also correctly registered
    In the frontend, however, only the image link appears – on the complete website in all main and sub-pages.
    The burger menu on the mobile phone also works perfectly. Only the whole gallery is faulty on all sides

    I am completely overwhelmed

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Bernd.


    Please go to /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes and replace av-helper-masonry.php file with this one – then edit your Masonry Gallery element and choose to use Custom link in Advanced > Link Settings.

    Updated file will be included in upcoming version :)

    Best regards,


    Hello and many thanks.

    ” Updated file will be included in the next version :) ” <<< When will the update be released?

    Many greetings


    Hi BerndCTC,

    We don’t have a date set for the release yet unfortunately, so you would have to use the temporary solution for now. If you need help with implementing the new code, then please post WordPress and FTP login details in private.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you very much for the answer. But how can it be that the gallery works with the same Enfold function on other sites?
    Yes I could use help – How can I give you the data personally?

    Best regards



    You might be using an older version of Enfold on your other sites :)

    You can post WP admin logins in private content field and it will be visible only to you and us, moderators. You can use (Email address hidden if logged out) as email but please post logins here so any available moderator can look into it :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the great support! Can you let me know when you have looked?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Bernd.


    did you get a chance to look at it?



    Sorry for my late reply!

    I updated the file and then edited your Masonry Gallery element and chose to use custom links –

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    ich habe gerade Enfold auf die Version 4.8.2 upgedatet, und hab nun das gleiche Problem mit der Masonry Gallery wie Bernd. Wenn ich auf ein Bild klicke wird nicht die verlinkte Website geöffnet, sondern nur das Bild wird vergrößert dargestellt.
    Ich hab dann die Datei av-helper-masonry.php wie vorgeschlagen runtergeladen und installiert. Das hat einen unerwarteten Effekt erzeugt. Anstatt der Startseite meiner Website wurde nun der Link geöffnet auf dem die av-helper-masonry.php liegt. Ich hab sofort alles rückgängig gemacht. Was geblieben ist, dass ich jetzt in WordPress 2 Themen Optionen hab. Die neue Themen Option hat allerdings nur eine Option namens Openstreetmaps. Sehr seltsam.
    Vielleicht hab ich eine falsche av-helper-masonry.php Datei runtergeladen. Die ist auch 10mal so groß wie die aktuelle.
    Zum Schluss noch eine Information. Ich vermute, dass ich das vorletzte Update von Enfold nicht installiert habe.

    Viele Grüße


    Hi @wils_wp,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    We have already added the option in Masonry Gallery element so if you are using Enfold 4.8.2, you do not need to overwrite the file. You can simply edit your Masonry Gallery element and go to Advanced > Link Settings and choose to “use custom link” in Image Link.

    OpenStreetMaps is the new open source map element we have added in new version. You can read more about the element here – :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    besten Dank. Das hat funktioniert…

    Viele Grüße


    Hi guys i have the same problem at Masonry Gallery too.

    Can you help me I leave you the data in private, thank you very much ;)



    Login credentials did not work for me. I got “ERRORE: troppi tentativi di login non riusciti. Riprova tra 20 minuti.”. Could you please check the logins once again?

    Best regards,


    Sorry … we send back the access data


    Hi @maxcoppeta,

    Thanks! The issue with your Masonry Gallery is not the same. I enabled debugging mode for ALB and checked your page but there is no error.
    Can we try de-activating all active plugins temporarily for testing purposes? :)

    Best regards,


    Okay, before the last update everything was working …


    is there any news?


    Hi @maxcoppeta,

    Thanks for your patience!
    Issue is related to “Transposh Translation Filter” plugin. De-activating it solves the issue. Please find an alternative plugin or contact plugin authors :)

    Best regards,


    Perfect thank you very much ;)



    You are welcome, @maxcoppeta!
    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day! :)

    Best regards,

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