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  • #579628


    i have a problem.

    I can not do an line break in the Text. If I do this with <br/> an go from text to visuell it is not there.

    I press enter but inothing?

    Beste regards


    Hi PMS_2014!

    Can you please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps?
    If not, please point out where exactly you would like to add line break in your text.

    Best regards,



    it does not help. I try it.

    You find exactly point in the privat content.

    Beste regards



    A single <br> or line break will have same height as next line instead use multiple linebreaks like 2 or 3 <br><br><br> which is not a good practice instead you can use a <p> tag which will create the same effect you are looking for.

    Please check the test URL we created in private content

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap



    in the test URL you created it is function. But the same is not function in the URL from me.

    When I copy the text from your test and add it in the the Text view from my URL I can see it, but when I go to visuell view and back to text view it is not there <br>. Or when I directly save it, it is not there..

    I can not understand this. Can you do the same in the enclosed URL from me what I post in the privat content.

    Best regards



    This is happening because of the theme’s “avia_remove_autop” function. This function will remove any br and p tags. You can use the separator (whitespace) element instead.

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