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  • #899587

    My site is showing a grid of 4 portfolios (2×2). This looks fine on a standard screen (1500px wide). When I look at it on a larger better res screen (2500px wide), there’s a lot of white space to the side of the grid. Is there a way to show a certain number of posts in the portfolio grid depending on the screen size? So on the larger screens show a grid of 8 (4×2), then down to 6 (3×2) and then finally to 4 (2×2).

    I could use media queries and CSS to hide them using nth-child but I was wondering if there’s an option or hook/filter I could use that is a cleaner solution?

    Thanks in advance


    Hey arapps,

    Css is this case is the fastest and most low-maintenance solution.
    Here is a list of Enfold actions

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Great thanks. Yeh that’s what I thought.



    Did you need further help on this topic, or shall we close it?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    You can close it. Thanks



    Great! If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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