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  • #289007

    Hi there.

    Except if I am wrong (I am just starting with that theme), I have not found a way with the media content element to build dynamic gallery or slider based on dynamic criteria, like tags on images, or terms in taxonomy.

    I have every time to choose specific photo to prepare a “fix” gallery.

    So I use JIG – Justify Image Grid – plugin to prepare a dynamic gallery.

    For my lightbox, I have installed the FooBox and I have a strange behaviour.

    When I click on a image, the FooBox lightbox opens well but it is as an overlay of you default “lightbox” (I have read something in the forum and it is perhasp Magnifypopup but not sure).

    Once you close the fooBow image lightbox with the x cross in the corner, you are not back on the page where you started, but you stay back on your default lightbox.

    So how can I disconnect your default lightbox from being sticked between my images and my FooBox lightbox ?

    You can test it on my working platform http://www.didierhannotphotography.com

    1) click on a squarred image -> normally jump in the FooBox Lightbox
    2) click on the right bottom x cross to close -> and you will see you are in your default lightbox

    You can directly also see the overlay with the different grays area …

    Thanks for any help

    Best regards, Didier


    Hi There.

    Trying to find on the net which kind of lightbox is in overlay under the FooBox LightBox, I discovered that it looks like the prettyphoto lightbox.

    So it seems that even if every settings in both JIG plugins and FooBox plugins are set to give priority to FooBox, the overlay stays in between.

    Any help and idea will be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


    Thanks to Google Search, I have found a solution.

    To avoid the built-in theme to open in overlay of your FooBox plugin, just add the class noLightbox on the link HTML reference

    <a class="noLightbox" href="http://www.youtube.com/">Youtube</a>

    Practically for JIG – Justify Image Grid, add the following option

    [justified_image_grid row_height=500 <strong>link_class=noLightbox</strong> limit=1 hidden_limit=3 image_taxonomy=photos_keywords image_tax_term=dhp-cat-architecture]

    Also check the following answer


    Case solved.

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