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  • #1045487

    Hi, I’m using the latest Enfold update with WordPress 5.1 and noticed that our videos are no longer opening up in lightbox. We are using linked images (which worked perfectly in the past). I tested on a different site with the same updates for Enfold and WordPress and the lightbox works perfectly for both Vimeo or Youtube. Soooo not sure what’s going on.

    I turned off all the plugins to see if there was a conflict, but there was none.

    I’ve included access to the site in the private content.

    If you look at the homepage you will see the main video.


    Hey Snerp,
    Thank you for the login, I see that you are using a child theme with a older header.php file.
    The header.php was changed a few versions ago and your lightbox issue is a result of using the older file, please try updating your file with the current on from the parent theme. Please retain your older file as it may contain customizations that you will wish to incorporate into your new header.php

    Best regards,


    Thank you for pointing that out, whew!

    I do have another question. I also tried to replace the old functions.php file (there was no custom css on the old file) with the latest funtions.php file and it broke the site. So my question is how do I use the new functions.php file for my child theme without the site breaking? I did notice a huge amount of changes with the new functions.php


    The child theme loads the parent theme functions.php, and then adds it’s own functions.php.
    You would not want to copy the parent functions.php into the child. Please only add your custom functions into the child functions.php.

    Best regards,


    As a none coder good to know, thanks again.



    Did you need further help, or shall we close this particular topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Close it



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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