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  • #1432073

    I have a series of web page mockups that are set up in a gallery. Everything is working as it should, but due to the proportions 1500px x 2951px, the image displays fairly small and loses its impact. My question is, would it be possible to modify lightbox to display the full width if screen size allows and have the lower portion of the image viewable via scroll within lightbox? I would appreciate anyone insight on how I could make this work.


    Hey Dunckley_Design,
    Thank you for your patience, you could try this css to open the magnificPopup full width, adjust to suit for your screen size.

    img.mfp-img {
      width: 1200px !important; 
      max-width: 1200px !important;  
      height: 1976px !important;
      max-height: 1976px !important;

    If this doesn’t help please include the url to the page in question so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike, thanks for the help. Unfortunately, this isn’t working as expected, and the image is distorted. Maybe I didn’t describe what I wanted to achieve properly. My site has many different sizes of images that will open in Lightbox. I’m looking to allow images to display up to 1200px in width or 100% width of the image if smaller than 1200px. On height, I would like the image to display 100% of the image height and force it into scroll if the image height is greater than the window size. The goal is to display larger images without distortion.


    Please adjust the css snippent above to match your image size.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately, that will change things globally, and all my other images will end up distorted.


    You can add the page ID to the css so it will only work on the one page, like this for example:

    .postid-4308 img.mfp-img {
      width: 1200px !important; 
      max-width: 1200px !important;  
      height: 1976px !important;
      max-height: 1976px !important;

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike, that’s a step in the right direction. Is there a way to add an image ID so you can have varying sizes on the same post?


    Unfortunately I don’t see a image ID added to the lightbox classes. Perhaps a different lightbox will give you better control, you and try out some of the lightbox plugins and disable the built-in lightbox at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Lightbox Modal Window

    Best regards,

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