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  • #491610

    Hi all, i’m integrating a lightbox into a few buttons on the header (that’s set with an image from layerslider). Having difficulties with two things,

    1. Making the buttons inline.
    2. Making the buttons not display the underline (technically they are URLS, but that’s only because it’s forcing me to use the a href tag on the buttons.

    Take a look here:



    Hi yesakmac!

    I’m guessing the lightbox is from the two buttons in your LayerSlider. I clicked on those and saw the popup but there were no buttons inside it.

    Take a screenshot and highlight what your referring to so we can get a better idea.

    Best regards,


    Hey man, I accomplished what I needed to, but it wasn’t as seemless as I’d hoped. I created a button from the shortcode that I put in the text of the title, and wrote a javascript function that’d loop when the button opened. I applied a custom class (that I configured using Easy Modal plugin) and got away with it.

    [av_button label='Our Rules' link='manually,javascript:void(0);' link_target='' size='small' position='center inline' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='dark' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_class='eModal-3' custom_style='text-decoration: none']

    I then used css to set the buttons inline and wahlah! Modals triggered from a button press in enfold!

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