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  • #517433

    Currently, if you set the sidebar to “Left” all the links justify right. I’d like the entire sidebar, including the headers to left justify.

    Also, can I make the headers clickable?



    Hey allyson2!

    Can you please post the link to your page?



    Yigit, our site is not live yet. I have provided a link and login credentials below.

    My programmers have tried to customize the sidebar, but it appears they are stuck.

    I basically want to create a sidebar like this…

    But at this point, I’d totally be okay with using the same default look as the blog sidebar…

    However, I would like to add a link to the headers, make some of the links bold and alter the header size (and no caps).

    Is this doable?



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    .sidebar .widget {
    text-align: left !important;

    Try to add code like this to the title of the widget:

    <a href="">Title</a>

    Best regards,


    Add the code to the title doesn’t work. Any other suggestions?


    Since the link above doesn’t work, I tried creating a menu using Appearance > Menu. I have a very long sidebar with many links. It will allow me to add all of them to the menu, but when I save it, some of the links disappear from the bottom of the menu (in admin and on the live site).

    Can you please check it out?



    Please try the following:

    Best regards,


    Thanks. I’ll give it a whirl!



    Great, please let us know how you get on with it.



    Hi Rikard,

    Here is the response from my programmer…



    Not from the WordPress end no, you will have to contact your host about that.




    I have gone in and changed it from “set max_input_vars = 4000” to “set max_input_vars = 5000” and it’s still not working. Any ideas?


    And if there isn’t an easy solution for lengthening the sidebar links, is there something else I can try to get this to work?

    Try to add code like this to the title of the widget:



    I checked your sidebar and it looks good to me now:

    View post on

    Could you fix it?

    If not can you provide us a screenshots showing what you want to achieve please? This way we are able to provide you some precise CSS code. Use or dropbox.



    Hi Andy,

    The screenshot you included is from a page using a widget. If I cannot increase the length of the sidebar menu (using Appearance > Menu discussed above), then I will need to do two things to the sidebar you are referring to:



    One more thing I’ll need to do while I’m thinking about it.

    How can I modify the space between widgets as shown here…



    I am sure you could increase length of sidebar menu. Just go to Enfold->General Layout->Content | Sidebar Ratio and make your adjustments there.

    Always include a link showing the elements in your screenshot, because we need to be able to inspect the elements. I could not find on your website what you are showing on your screenshot.



    Thanks Andy,

    I was referring to the screenshot you posted here. ;)

    But… the note next to the Sidebar Ratio field reads: “Here you can choose the width of your content and sidebar. First Number indicates the content width, second number indicates sidebar width.”

    The sidebar width isn’t an issue. I am in need of adding more links to the sidebar using Appearance > Menu as discussed above. I have tried the suggestions, but nothing seems to work.

    Any help would be much appreciated, as this issue is holding up launching our site.



    sorry for the late response. I am still not sure what you mean and it sounds to me as a general WordPress issue and not a theme related one. If you want to add more links to a WordPress menu you can do so by going to Appearance->Menu->”Custom Links” and choose any URL you want to add.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Andy.

    That’s not what I was looking for, but I think I figured out what I needed.



    glad you figured it out. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.


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