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  • #1405708

    I would like to create a template that, if I have to apply changes, these are propagated to all articles that use that template. ( so i edit one template for all articles)
    How can I do?

    Looking forward hearing from you.
    best regards


    Hey maryenvato,

    You can add the content in question to a new page, then use the Page Content element in order to show it on your posts.

    Best regards,


    hi Riccardo,
    I’m sorry but is not what I want…
    I want to create a usable template for the articles and, if I want to change for example the background Image I change it in only in the template and, all the articles are updated automatically.

    How can I do this?
    looking forward hearing from you.
    best regards.



    Thank you for the update.

    The suggestion above should work in this case. To add the same image to multiple pages for example, you can create a new post or page, insert the image or any other content using the builder, and then add it to your pages using the Page Content element. If you want to change the image later, you can simply edit the original post or page, and all instances of the Page Content element across the site will be updated.

    Alternatively, you can use Content Element Templates (CETs) to create a builder element that can be modified globally. Please check the documentation below for more information about CETs:


    Best regards,


    I tryed with your advice, but if i create a new post, i cant import a page content from a “single entry…” , only from a Page… why

    I don’t want to create a page template, but a Post template to import…
    best regards



    It’s the content you import when using the Page Content element, it doesn’t matter if it’s called Page Content or Post Content. Did you try it out to see if it works or not?

    Best regards,


    no, because to import a “page content” i have to create a page with content.. and i don’t want to create a page ( that I have to pubblish..), but i want to create a post and import a part of it. ;(

    Looking forward hearing from you



    Unfortunately, the Page Content element is limited to displaying content from either a Page or a Portfolio Item. You will need to select one of these options. If you require additional functionality for the element beyond its default capabilities, such as displaying content from other sources or customizing its behavior, you may need to consider hiring a freelance developer or reaching out to our partner, Codeable.

    A freelance developer can help customize the Page Content element to meet your specific requirements and integrate it with other sources of content if necessary. Codeable is a platform that connects users with experienced WordPress developers who can provide tailored solutions for your needs.

    Feel free to explore these options to extend the functionality of the Page Content element. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.


    Best regards,


    Is there yet any facility to create global ELEMENTS? i.e. elements which can be used throughout a site, on multiple pages, yet only need updating in one place. Maybe call this an element template?


    An accordion element is used to display a list of upcoming events, perhaps with 6 or 7 toggle items. This element needs to be shown on 5 different pages of the site (and often in a different position on different pages). It is a real pain to have to update each accordion on five separate pages. So it would be good to have a global ELEMENT TEMPLATE which can be amended in one place but which automatically updates all instances of the element template across anyn pages where it is used.

    This idea was partially discussed in this thread 4 years ago…

    Has anything happened in the last 4 years? Has this idea been developed?




    Is there yet any facility to create global ELEMENTS?

    : You might want to check the Custom Elements Template (CET) as mentioned above.


    Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the the theme.

    Best regards,

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