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  • #232183

    Hi all,

    I already post a message on the WPML support forum. They answer was that I should consult you on how you achived compatibility with WPML. Here is the link to my post and screenshots :

    Here is a copy of my question :

    I’m using :

    – wordpress 3.8.1
    – Enfold theme with the avia layout builder
    – the latest WPML plug-in :

    I made my website in french and now I need to translate it in english. I chose Enfold because it’s WPML-ready and above all for its great advanced layout builder.

    Now, I’d like to understand how to translate correctly all my pages and entries built with the advanced layout builder.

    I chose to translate my pages with the WPML translation management system in order to work efficiently with our translation team. To do so we configured WPML to send XLIFF files to the people in charge of the translation. >>

    We also needed to set >> “use the translation editor” in the multilingual configuration (mcsetup). If this option is not checked the translation team does not receive any notification email… At that time I did not create the english menus (header / footer) because I don’t have the pages (and parent pages) in english yet.

    I have already made some test and the result is not really “plug & play” (see the screenshots below). In these pages it seems that some part of the page are not displayed :

    – the sidebar navigation for all nested subpages is not displayed. Maybe It’s because those pages do not exist… But even if they were existing, how could I manage to obtain the same taxonomy just sending XLIFF files

    – the layer slider at the top of the page is not displayed

    Since we are using XLIFF files that don’t carry any information about the page attributes (parent, template, order) or the layout, where and when do we have to configure it to make the page display correctly ?

    I would love to be guided step by step by someone.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    here is the post :

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Yigit.

    Hey mailclub!

    1) – the sidebar navigation for all nested subpages is not displayed. Maybe It’s because those pages do not exist… But even if they were existing, how could I manage to obtain the same taxonomy just sending XLIFF files.

    The sidebar menu just displays the existing pages and it will use the page hierarchy of the existing pages to build the menu structure. If your translated pages keep the hierarchy of the original entries/pages the menu should work just fine. If the hierarchy doesn’t exist you must configure the parent pages, etc. after you imported the translated pages/data. The pages just have one taxonomy called “pages”. You can’t set a different taxonomy or create a custom taxonomy like for a custom post type.

    2) See

    3) Also note that some layout elements (i.e. the portfolio grid, post slider, gallery or the blog element) require a separate configuration for each language because the ids of the categories and of the translated post/attachment entries may vary from language to language. It’s not enough to import the translated content with XLIFF files but you also must make sure these elements display the right, translated entries and if necessary you need to select the translated categories/image attachments from the option/modal window. I created a short video which demonstrates the translation process. This video also shows you that the categories may vary from language to language (i.e. if not all categories are translated, have a different category name/id, etc.):

    Best regards,


    Thanks for you help. All problems were solved :

    Congratulation for all your themes, Enfold is just great !

    Best regards,


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