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  • #1288054


    I have some slightly odd behaviour going on with my site.
    I have the transparent and sticky header selected in theme options.
    It has been working great on the site for years.
    Now all the new pages I create do not have a transparent header.

    Also the Layout Option box that used to be on the left of the admin area with options to set
    sidebar, footer, title bar and header visibility and transparency has disappeared site wide.

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Sujohn.

    Also interesting some pages are still displaying a sidebar but there is no way to control this now.
    Link attached

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Sujohn.


    Thanks for the login details, and sorry for the late reply. I’m not sure what is going on with your installation, but something is obviously going wrong, as I can see the same problem as you are on my end as well. Could you try to disable all plugins, to see if that changes anything please? If not, then please post FTP login details in private, so that we can try to upload a fresh copy of the theme for you. Also please give us permission to temporarily disable plugins, for debugging purposes.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for getting back to me.
    Some further information
    On ‘pages’ there is a custom field appearing below the the avia builder and some other items that has the options for header transparency and layout in it.
    This custom field option is not appearing on the custom post pages.
    The only thing I can think of that might relate to this is that I did install and uninstall a custom fields plugin (without setting anything up) a while back, but can’t pin this problem down in time to that so it’s just a maybe.
    I have tried deactivating all the plugins and the one thing I did notice on doing this is that a lot more options appear in the ‘custom field’ box at the bottom of the page.



    Thanks for the update. You had forgotten to add support for the meta boxes for your custom post types: I added that for you to functions.php, and the Layout meta box is now available for your custom post types.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rickard
    Thanks so much.
    Is there an easy way to enable the meta box Layout Option for pages?



    Thanks for the update. The meta boxes are already active on your pages, so I’m not sure what you need to activate?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    The Layout option meta box on my pages has the same thing going on as was happening with the posts. It is not appearing on the left but a custom field box is appearing below all the options in the admin area which appears to have some of the settings in.



    Thanks for the update. Could you post a screenshot of the problem please? I’m asking since I can’t see anything missing on the page in private, for example.

    Best regards,


    I have taken a couple of screen shots and put them with some explaining notes. Link below.



    Thanks for that. I can’t reproduce those results on your site though, please see screenshot in private. How can we reproduce the results you are getting on your end?

    The fields in the second screenshot is not a part of the theme.

    Best regards,


    How very odd. You are seeing something quite different to me. I have tried viewing in different browsers chrome, firefox,safari and edge, and can’t replicate what you are seeing. I’m wondering how you view the site? Hos is it possible that you see a totally different right sidebar in the admin area to me?
    The odd thing is that my sisters site is doing the same thing as mine. Even odder is that this issue does not appear now on my custom posts after the support was added in the functions php – it now appears only on the pages.
    It seems the meta boxes are not active on pages as I view them.
    I’m stumped.



    Thanks for the update. Did you try logging in with the details you gave us? There might be a problem with your user account. It might also be local caching, so please try to restart all your browsers. If that doesn’t help either, then please try restarting your local machines and/or routers.

    Best regards,


    Well I wouldn’t have believed it but it was the user account.
    Never heard of that kind of thing before.
    Thanks for nailing this one for me.



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Yes – do close this – the issue is sorted.
    Thanks for the help



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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