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  • #22708

    I have a request related to post layout and featured image.

    If I define a featured image I lose a considerable space on the left side, almost 15%

    See this example – – the image was define and its on the top, however the little camera icon stay there getting all the space.

    Any change you guys can fix that?




    Hi Andreano,

    I believe this has actually be requested in the Enfold feature request topic already so it will be up to Kriesi on implementing it or not (an option to disable the icons).




    Hi Devin,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Would be great if we can have a option to disable the icon. Maybe a layout page that doesn’t include the icon, but allow me to keep the image.



    You could actually fix that with a little css modification. You can use this for the meantime. Add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS

    .single .blog-meta {
    display: none;

    .big-preview {
    display: block;
    padding: 0 50px 10px 0px;




    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the workaround. I’m using that for now.

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