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  • #689955

    Good Day,

    We purchased your theme for our website for almost a month ago. The website is actually launched

    Now i encountered an issue just recently when our client requested to replace one of the images from the About Us page. The page editor is not loading anymore (see screenshot:, i left it for an hour and still the page editor is not showing. Tried it also with different browsers, and also tried it with Mac and Windows.

    I also tried to go to the default editor but that one is not showing as well. I also tried creating a new page and same thing, the editor won’t work.

    Can you take a look at this issue for us? Please let me know if you require further information about this.

    WordPress 4.6.1
    Enfold Version: 3.6.1

    Thank you!


    Hey Webcentricbh,

    Please try following the suggestions listed here:

    Best regards,


    Good Day,

    It’s been awhile, i just checked again the website and so far the issue is still there.

    I am not very familiar with the setup of wordpress so can you take a look at this for me.

    I already tried the two options from the link you sent me which is to clear the cache and check it on other browsers and i believe that my theme is the updated version but the issue is still there. I provided the admin logins below just so you can have a look at it. Please do check this issue as soon as possible. Thanks!

    Please do let me know first if you need to make any major changes like updating anything to avoid any issue as the website is live.




    I checked the page in private and the builder is loading fine on my end. Are you having this problem on a specific page only? If so please link to it here.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for your reply!

    That’s weird cause from my side the layout builder is not loading. :/

    I tried it with different browsers and also i tried using VPN but still no luck. Try editing the About Us page and see if the layout builder works from your side or not.



    Hi Daryl,

    It works without any problems on my end, did you try on a different network? There might be something blocking on that particular network. You could try resetting your router for example.

    Best regards,



    I already checked again from my side and really mine it’s not working.

    Is it possible though that i ask you to change something on the website? i just want a picutre to be replaced actually with a new one. It’s just an image of one of the team member in the about us page. Is this possible?

    I’m really not getting the layout builder to work on my side. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you!


    Hi Daryl,

    Sure, we can do that. What image do you want to replace and with which one?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you very much for this! I really appreciate it.

    I want to replace the image on the about us page –
    with a new one. I already uploaded it on the media library so you can find it there jose-matos-pic.jpg.

    Please let me know once its okay so i can check it.
    Thank you very much! I really appreciate this.



    Hi Daryl,

    Done! Please review the page. I really can’t say why your builder is not working, but it has to be something local since it’s working fine on my end. Could you try outside of the network you are in when you are having problems?

    Best regards,


    Hi Guys,
    I have had the same issue today, and just reset my router, as per Rikard’s advice. It worked for me! Thanks Rikard :-)
    Kind regards,


    Hi Russ,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback :-)

    Best regards,

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