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  • #1427055

    Hello, for posts created with Avia Layout Architect, I always have to insert the title and cover image manually and it does not appear automatically. Categories are not displayed at all. Can this be changed?
    Kind regards,


    Hey Tim,
    Unfortunately we don’t have a way to cheange this, as this is the default WordPress behavior even in the default WordPress themes the title & featured image are not automatically added. Categories are display in the WordPress sidebar for posts, please note that “pages” don’t have categories.
    Perhaps you didn’t click the WordPress “post” option to see the options of the posts?
    Try clicking it, or perhaps you are more use to the Classic Editor, you can enabled this at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor ▸ Use WP Classic Editor

    Best regards,


    Okay, as a normal website viewer I can‘t see the author‘s name and category too. It‘s not changeable, right?:)



    Thank you for the update.

    I can‘t see the author‘s name and category too.

    If you have enabled the Advanced Layout Builder, you have to add this information manually using the available elements in the builder or as a custom shortcode. To display the author, for example, you can use this shortcode in a Text or Code Block.


    Then add this code in the functions.php to define the shortcode.

    function post_author_shortcode(){
        if(!is_singular()) return;
        $author_id = get_queried_object()->post_author;
        $displayname = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author_id);
        return $displayname;
    add_shortcode( 'sc_post_author', 'post_author_shortcode' );

    If you need to display the default elements of the posts, we recommend using the default or classic editor instead of the Advanced Layout Builder.

    Best regards,


    Ok, thank you! So that means it’s not possible for posts created with the Layout Architect to look exactly the same as posts created with the Classic Editor, right?
    How can I get to functions.php?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Tim.


    Ok, thank you! So that means it’s not possible for posts created with the Layout Architect to look exactly the same as posts

    It’s still possible, but it requires some modifications and there might be no point in using the Advance Layout Builder (ALB) if you want the posts to display in their default layout. When the ALB is active, you have to build the content using the available elements in the builder. Unfortunately, some elements, like the post meta info, are not available by default, so you will have to use the custom shortcode that we provided above.

    How can I get to functions.php?

    The functions.php file can be found in the Appearance > Theme File Editor panel. You can also access it via S/FTP but you may need to ask your hosting provider to create an account.

    Best regards,


    Thank you – I will look, what I will be able to do:)



    Let us know if you have more questions. We will keep the thread open.

    Best regards,


    Now if we wanted to publish articles which contained a slider (inserted by the Avia Layout Architect) and still wanted the categories, author, post image, title, date and comment field to be displayed, what should we do? What would be the easiest way:)?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Tim.

    For posts created with the ALB you will need to manually add each of these into your posts, post created with the ALB do not automatically add these elements, this is by design.
    So the easiest way to do this will be for you to create one of these posts as a template and then save it as a template in the ALB, so you can add them to each new ALB post that you create, and then manually adjust to suit each time.

    Best regards,



    I’m trying the child theme now. Can you maybe send me the different codes I need to add to functions.php and the ones I need to add to the post?
    The category, post image (format) and heading (size) should be as in the first image. Author, date, number of comments should be as in the second image. “Beitrag teilen” should be also possible.
    I hope it is also possible that the comment sector of wpDiscuz 7 can also look like in picture 3.
    Best regards Tim

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago by Tim.

    Thanks for the screenshots and the link to your site, this is a plain WordPress post and I think that you want to recreate this in a Advanced Layout Builder page, but it will not be exactly the same, this is apples & oranges. You can add the shortcode for the author above, and you can add the comment element to your page.
    If tou like the plain WordPress post why are you trying to re-built it in the Advanced Layout Builder?
    Above you write we wanted to publish articles which contained a slider in that case you can add the shortcode to the plain WordPress posts.

    Try creating a test post with the plain WordPress post and then on a test Advanced Layout Builder post create your article slider like you want and post an admin login in the Private Content area below and we will try to add the article slider to your post, it will probably be easier, if I’m understanding correctly.

    Best regards,


    Thank you! I’m not sure if I understand all, login below.
    So instead of using Avia Layout Architect and switch to preset comment fields and categories, you would put the codes for the Architect elements in the normal post. I hope I have understood this correctly :) Of course that works too, but then I would have to find the shortcodes :) If I can find them, that would be really great!
    Best regards Tim

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago by Mike. Reason: moved login to private area

    Thanks for the login, I see that your Advanced Layout Builder post has a three image easy slider element and I believe this is an example of what you want to add to plain WordPress posts, so I cloned one of your plain posts as an example, linked below.
    Then I used the shortcode wand to add a slider:
    when it opens it looks just like the ALB element, just add your images like normal:
    when you save the element you will see the shortcode:
    then save your page, on the frontend you will see the slider:
    Please give this a try.

    Best regards,


    Many, many thanks for your help, now I understand it too… I completely overlooked this function in the plain posts. Thank you so much!!!
    Best regards Tim


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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