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  • #241422

    I’ve got background images in a LayerSlider that I’ve applied a fine, one-pixel screen over for effect. I’d like to keep the effect, but the issue is that when the image resizes responsively (larger and smaller) it creates a weird look.

    The only solution I can think of is to have it stay at 100% size all the time and then simply crop down (probably from the bottom, center) for the smaller screens. I can’t figure out how to do this.

    I am also open to other suggestions that would solve the issue. One I thought of is if the image swapped at a certain screen size below which it would show an image with out the screen effect.

    I’ll share my URL in the following post but don’t want to share it publicly at this point.


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    You want to achieve something like this?

    Best regards,


    Hmm… not quite. I still want the backgrounds to change. But just not resize as the slider itself does.

    The one you liked to does at least not stretch when the page is bigger than the background image. But it still shrinks down for smaller screens like tablet and mobile.

    Let me know if I’m still not being clear and I’ll try to explain further.



    As far as I know LayerSlider doesn’t have a setting that would allow that kind of behavior.

    Best regards,

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