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  • #26519

    I am new to WordPress and have recently purchased the Enfold theme which included the free LayerSlider plugin (valued at $15). My issue is that the “Layerslider WP” widget is not available in the Appearance/Widgets section to “drag & drop”.

    It may also be of note that the LayerSlider plugin shows in the “Installed plugins” area but has a status of deactivated and when attempting to activate it, a fatal error occurs stating it cannot be “redeclared”.

    Please advise (in simple terms) what/if there is anything I can do.




    Hi Andy,

    While the LayerSlider plugin is integrated it isn’t the same version that is by itself as a plugin.

    As far as I know the included version doesn’t have a widget or support for it at the moment. So if you are seeing the plugin in your list of plugins it means you have or had the plugin previously installed (different from the theme version).

    Because the theme already uses a modified version however, you wouldn’t be able to activate the plugin by itself.




    Okay, I too am having issues with the layer slider. While in Word Press and clicking preview changes or view page my site looks great. When visiting my site through my URL all is well except the layer slider is not showing up. Only the rotating icon signifying its loading…which it never does. What am I missing here? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated so that I can move on to other things in life.


    Will (is there a way?!)



    Please give us a link to your website. Let us inspect the issue.

    Did you import the dummy data and work on the default Layer Slider?

    You might want to increase the wordpress php memory limit. Edit wp-config.php, add this code

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

    Probably it has something to do with your host. You should consider upgrading.





    Thank you for your help! I finally worked it out.


    Glad Ismael could help :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.



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