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  • #1006182

    Good Morning,

    the plugin included in your theme does not appear to be enabled.
    “PRODUCT ACTIVATION Not Activated”

    It was supposed to be pre-activated, right?

    Can you help?



    Hey pmonteiro,

    You can use Layer Slider as it is, no need to activate it.

    If you want to use some premium feature, then you’ll need to buy Layer Slider license.

    Best regards,



    But I was influenced in error, your theme describes as having 2D + 3D Layerslider Slideshow (Layerslider Plugin included).
    Actually having the plugin or not having it is the same thing, it is at the heart of any user wordress through the carrgear plugins, right?

    But it’s worth saying nothing, so each user downloads the plugin and pays for it. I was wrong to realize that it included the plugin (premium) in question.

    What is the advantage of the plugin being inserted in your theme, if the plugin is in the public repository?

    You should be more specific and explain that includes the free version of the plugin.


    Hi pmonteiro,

    The thing is Layer Slider does not have a free version, you have to buy the license anyway if you want to use it. It is not so long ago that their policy changed and some “premium features” are not included with Enfold.

    Best regards,


    Hi pmonteiro,

    The thing is Layer Slider does not have a free version, you have to buy the license anyway if you want to use it. It is not so long ago that their policy changed and some “premium features” are not included with Enfold.

    Best regards,

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