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  • #1217363

    Hi from germany,

    after Update to the latest Enfold version, I had massive problems with the Layerslider. At first, no slider showed up in the backend, creation of new slider was also impossible. I overcame this problem with help of this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/empty-list-slider-in-layer-slider/#post-1186261

    After adding the group_id tinyint(10) with a default of NULL and upgrading the DB in the Layerslider backend, at least I had my sliders back. After checking the frontend (slider should appear on the homepage), I noticed, that the slider is running well under every browser I have installed, even old IE and Brave worked. Only Firefox display nothing (normal FF as well as the Developer Version) . When using Firefox, the Layerslider backend was not usable either. Checking the console on front- and backend brought up the following error: ‘Error: Permission denied to access property “apply”‘ (regarding jQuery I assume) MAybe that’s the reason?

    Could anybody help me to get at least the slider diplaying again in Firefox? For editing I can user other browsers. But I desperately need a solution for the frontend.

    Created a Kriesi Admin account, see private credentials.

    Every bit of help is gladly appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by sixtyseven.

    Hey André,

    Sorry for the delay. The layer slider works fine on Firefox Dev Windows 10 — we checked the home page. Did you figure out the issue?

    Best regards,

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