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  • #740542

    I try to use post content in my layerslider and I can not run it :
    – there are 2 posts, and only 1 of both appears. (Configure posts options : I have selected ARTICLES and FOLLOWING)
    Can you help me please,
    Many thanks,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by sitadi.

    Hey sitadi,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your help. Please find in Private Content a temporary admin login.
    Can you also explain if I can easily add rights to access at the LayerSlider in an “Editor Role”?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ida,

    Thanks for that. First off, could you please try to update the theme to the latest version (3.8.5) to see if that helps? Also please try to clear the cache from your caching plugin and keep it deactivated until you have solved your problems.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Rikard for your help.
    I have updated the theme and clear the cache but it have not solved my problems.
    Best regards,



    Please edit the layer then click the “Configure post options button”. Set Get the (select) item in the set of matched selection option accordingly. Refer to the list of posts below the option. If you want the second post, set the option to “2nd”.



    Hi Ismael,

    I don’t want to select any item because I want to display all posts. As soon as I publish a post, I want it to be displayed in the layerslider.
    Hope my explanation are clear.. sorry for my poor english.
    Thank you,



    I’m sorry but that is not possible with the dynamic content layer. You need to select the post manually.



    ok, that’s why it is not work ;)
    Is there another solution to display my posts with a picture and the title of the post in this small box ?



    What do you mean by “small box”? If you’re referring to the layer slider, the “dynamic content from posts” layer is the only option that you can use to display posts content in the slider, unfortunately. If you can provide a screenshot of the layout that you have in mind, maybe we’ll be able to help further.


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