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  • #24201

    The layerslider works great in the Browser and resizes correctly but when I open the webpage on an i-Device I only see the spinning wheel and the layerslider doesn’t appear. I tried the troubleshooting button, loading the JS in Body, but this doesn’t help either. All General settings are standard. I would apreciate if you could have a look: ufulu.de/productions


    Hi OliverSill,

    Are you getting the same issue on the demo site: http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/ ?

    If not, try disabling any active plugins you have running on your install and trying things again. We’ve tested pretty heavily on iOS and the LayerSlider author has specifically for the plugin as well so it *should* be working unless something is causing a conflict with it.




    Hi Devin, thanks for your reply. It seems the png files I used in my Slides were too big to display properly on the i-Devices and some how broke the whole thing because the default Slides that come with the theme work. I will just build the slides again and see if the issue presists.

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