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  • #1230255

    Hi everyone,

    Have a small issue that’s affecting the overall experience of my website.
    The first element on our welcome page is a Layerslider, which uses a video in the background.

    Unfortunately however, the video takes too long to load, leaving a large whitespace until the layerslider eventually pops up.

    I was wondering if there’s anything i can do to optimize the loading for this so that loads up faster than it currently does.
    I’ve tried using EWWW Image Optimizer but it only caused a website-wide conflict and I would prefer not to use it again.

    Website is linked in private content.

    Kind Regards,


    Hey Daniel,

    How large is the video file? Did you try to process it some way locally and then upload it again? I’m not sure but I don’t think EWWW Image Optimizer processes videos?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Ive tried hosting locally as well as embedding the same video from youtube. unfortunately both seem to take a long time.



    Thanks for the update. I see some very heavy images on the test in private, please check it. You have one image which is 1mb, you should try to optimise that a bit. I can’t see the video listed in there though, do you know how big it is?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Since my last post I actually removed the video, replacing it with a static image to see if the load time would shorten. Sadly it still hasnt. I’ve noticed the large sized images like you mentioned, though I’m trying to use applications like WP-Optimize in order to try and compress the images further, but it doesnt seem to be applying any notable differences to the layerslider. Are there any recommended optimizing tools that specifically work with the layerslider? Or perhaps some settings embedded within the Layerslider tool itself?




    Thanks for the update. Please try to download the large image(s), then save them for web in software like Photoshop. You could also try to use local image compression software like ImageOptim. After that you can upload them to WordPress again, and use those images instead of the current ones.

    Best regards,

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