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  • #558213

    I am having an issue with Enfold and its Layerslider. ON windows 10 using Edge 12 browser, Layerslider images are displaying shrunken, and sometimes not at all, only after the page loads, then do a page refresh does it display corrently. But on initial page load it displays screwy. I cannot seem to fix this, But this is happening to several of our sites we have developed with enfold. Here is a link to a screenshot (private content) showing the issue. Please advise.


    I have the same problem. The problem is in the first slide, the other slides are free of problems. Also when I turn back to the first slide it is also seeming correctly.


    yeah its kind of annoying and not sure what is causing it. hopefully someone from support has some answers



    I have reported the issue and most probably we will debug on the next release.
    Thanks a lot for your time and patience


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