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  • #265286

    Bei unserer Installation des Enfold Themes, zeigt es beim LayerSlider (nur bei unserem Kunden und auf dem iphone) nur eine Fläche und den animierten Ladebalken an. Was ist da der Fehler?
    Ist das ein JavaScript-Fehler?

    Wir haben ein Child Theme über das Theme gemacht


    Hey arnoldgrafik!

    Thank you for visiting the support forum!

    Do you mind if we take a look at the actual website? Make sure that you’re running WP 3.9 and the latest version of the theme which is 2.7.1.


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hey Ismael,
    I’ve Tested a other…
    My Solution is, that the LayerSlider only Function, when I choose the AVIA Layout Architect.
    I first Time I added the LayerSlider Code to the page direct.
    Kind regards



    I just checked your website on my iphone 4 and slider works fine on my end. Please see screenshot here –
    For logo overlapping issue, please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #header_main .container .logo {
    right: auto; 
    left: 0; }
    div.header_bruderhausdiakonie_label { 
    padding-top: 35px; }}


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