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  • #617564

    Hi !
    I notify you that there is a problem with the function “lazy load” in Layer Slider, on Edge navigator (Microsoft windows 11).
    In fact, when you go back to a page with a layer slider set up in lazy load you see that the first image is not at the right size (deformed).
    So, you have to deactivate “lazy load” to solve the problem.
    I hope that the future update will solve the problem.
    Thank you,


    Hi SphereEvenements!

    can you provide us a precise link to your site showing the elements in question please? we need to be able to inspect the elements. Please provide us admin access as well, post login details here as private reply.



    I’ve deactivated lazy load so it works now :)
    I think that’s the problem is from LayerSlider cache.
    Thank you,

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