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  • #25262

    So I will admit to being a newb at this but I bought this theme because the support seems amazing.

    Here is my website. utswihs.com. As you can see the layers look off. In the preview they look like the background is a nice box around the letters then the letters have the first letter bold and the rest of the word normal. All the letters are white.

    Then you get that mess when I view the actual page.

    My HTML is a paragraph


    And the CSS is


    Also, I tried switching to span which fixes the background height to match the font size, but it also moves the text up so that it isn’t in line anymore making it very difficult to get it to look right. The first letter is also still orange.


    Hi walkingagh,

    I’m not getting any visual issue when I view your site:


    I would actually suggest using images in the layer slider as they respond better to animation and overall responsiveness with the media queries.




    Yeah The only issue is the Text is just off. The first letter should not be orange. I want it to be white but bold text. Not sure why this isn’t possible. It seems like there is some conflict between the CSS of the page and the CSS of the slider.

    I will go ahead and use PNG files, they are just alot harder to make. Thanks.



    I think it is fixed? I can see white text.

    Please add this on your custom.css

    .main_color .ls-s-1 b {
    color: white !important;



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