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  • #200911

    I can totally put a fork in a website I’m doing for a client IF I can get layer slider to actually go through the slides. Here’s the details.
    I’m using a boxed layout. I’ve added 4 slides and text. When I preview everything looks good. When I update/publish and go to view the slide show it actually goes to an OLD 1st slide. I emptied my cache and history on my browser thinking maybe that was the problem but it is not. I even duplicated the layer slider and then switched to that, updated, published etc and it still goes to the old slide.
    Read through all the global settings and read through all the forum questions and cannot find the answer. Help!



    Can you post the link to your website please?


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    Can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?


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    Please update your theme to the latest version:

    Best regards,

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    I’m having trouble accessing the website: http://superiormeetings.com/wordpress1/wp-admin/

    It loads too slow. Please try to deactivate all plugins via ftp. Rename the plugin folder located on wp-content folder to something else. Remove browser cache then reload the page Do you have a cache plugin? Deactivate it.


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    Looking at the output for that layerslider it shows the autostart variable is set to false. Try going to that slideshow and then the Global Settings for it. Change the settings for “Slideshow” to auto start.


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    Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

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